OWASP. Wine Cyber and Talks
En este evento reunimos a los principales expertos de OWASP y figuras destacadas en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad. Sesiones enriquecedoras que abordan las últimas tendencias, amenazas emergentes y estrategias de defensa innovadoras. Este encuentro es una oportunidad mas para aprender, compartir y colaborar, sentando las bases de una era digital más segura y protegida.
Viernes, 9 febrero (evento presencial)
Abstract: Application and Cloud security tools help reduce the effort required in order to detect and secure our infrastructure, but security tooling is expensive and requires time to onboard and manage. However, it doesn't have to be like this. We can have a fully functional, automated Security Programme using open source, freely available projects alongside more expensive choices. In this talk we will walk you through how you can measure and then significantly increase your security maturity using and customising freely available resources. We will take you through how you can customise or develop training, do extensive threat modelling exercises and perform risk-based vulnerability management and remediation all for less money and without a big team or late nights in the office. Most importantly we will tell you how you can connect all of these together in one seamless, robust and secure pipeline usable by the engineering teams you support.
Resumen: El GRC se ha definido últimamente como una necesidad imperiosa para las organizaciones, ya que esta trilogía es la base de la ciberseguridad holística, comprende su importancia en una organización es del todo relevante para tener resultados positivos en el tiempo, ya que no busca solamente asegurar un activo, sino que asegurar las operaciones de la empresa de manera integral, pero con seguridad.
Abstract: The OWASP foundation (Open Worldwide Application Security Project) are an international foundation that support different project in the world, but everyone can be part of the community, we will know about the foundation, his different benefits and the activities of this year.
Centro Tecnológico de La Rioja
Avda. Zaragoza 21 Logroño
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