17 de enero de 2018

Date: 17th January 2018

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In this session we will approach the field of crisis management and how it can not only be key in critical situations but also support and enhance business performance by increasing organizational responsiveness and adaptability.

We will deal with questions such as:

  • What can organizations learn from crisis management?
  • Why should organizations learn from crisis management?
  • How to take advantage of crisis management practices?

The presentations will deal with practical approaches, supported when needed on theoretical research.

The final Q&A and discussion will dive deeper in the attendees’ specific questions and applications to small and medium-sized organizations.

The session will be held in English, with some interaction in Spanish. The Q&A and discussion will be facilitated in Spanish.

It is adressed to professionals in crisis management and communication as well as to managers and business owners willing to foster their organizations’ ability to listen to the external and internal conditions and adapt their behaviour.

No specific knowledge in crisis management is needed. General business knowledge and curiosity will be the only elements required to benefit from the session.


  • 16:30-16:35 Inauguration
  • 16:35-17:20 From inertia to action. How to integrate crisis management in your day-to-day business?
    • Presenter: Dr. Hugo Marynissen
  • 17:20-18:05 Crisis intelligence. How to build solid communication strategies from informal conversations?
    • Presenter: Mr. Stijn Pieters
  • 18:05-18:45 Q&A and discussion
    • Participating: Dr. Hugo Marynissen, Mr. Stijn Pieters
    • Moderator: Mr. Juan Manuel Domínguez.


From inertia to action. How to integrate crisis management in your day-to-day business?

Presenter: Dr. Hugo Marynissen (bio as an Annex)

The world we live and work in is complex and driven by forces that we often do not see, recognise or appreciate. Moreover, we live in a world of continuous change that thwarts our plans. Therefore we are constantly forced to adapt our plans. These adaptive actions, we often describe as ‘management’ or ‘decision making’, do have consequences as all actions have both upsides and downsides whether they are obvious or not. Because we see the necessity to expect the unexpected, we put plans, procedures, and command and control systems in place that should prevent us from unintended consequences.

The purpose of this presentation is to provide a framework of practical utility on how to anticipate potential crisis situations. Based on recent research in the field of chaos and complexity theory, we introduce basic principles on how to avoid the failure of foresight, while strengthening your daily operations. This presentation aims to combine plans, principles and standards (such as the BS OHSAS, ISO, etc.) with daily managerial practices. As such, any organization can become more robust and vigilant for unwanted events.

Crisis intelligence. How to build solid communication strategies from informal conversations?

Presenter: Mr. Stijn Pieters (bio as an Annex)

From the down to earth perspective of crisis advisors activated in acute situations, Stijn will share insights into complex yet crucial interactions between organisations and the chaotic so called "crisis landscape" of stakeholders. By focusing on the right issues even at a time when no definite answers are available yet, teams can establish their place as a trusted information source in the difficult crisis communication arena. Join Stijn as he considers how organisations can be effective communicators even when finding themselves in the head of the storm, always prepared to put a high performing team in place when the rubber meets the road.

The talk will encompass:

  • Gaining and maintaining the trust of those affected by a crisis by swift and efficient techniques driven by perception, human elements and sentiment analysis.
  • Demonstrating practical insights and cases from various angles such as the Belgian Federal Crisis Center during the Brussels terrorist attacks.
  • Lessons learned from thought provoking examples after a decade of experience on the "hot seat" as strategic advisors for companies and governments facing different types of crises and business continuity challenges.
  • Examples that demonstrate the art of collecting and processing vast amounts of conversational data generated by the people affected during a fast evolving crisis. While these data are hardly useful in raw and unstructured form, techniques will be discussed to reshape and enrich these data into a stream of knowledgeable and insightful information, enabling crisis teams to apply better "informed decision making".


Bio Dr. Hugo Marynissen

Foto Hugo MarynissDr. Hugo Marynissen is Professor and Academic Director of the Executive PhD program at Antwerp Management School. He is also a visiting professor at various universities such as UA (Belgium), UCL (Belgium), Cranfield University (UK), Lingnan (University) College, (Guangzhou, China), and Laurea University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki (Finland).

In addition, he is the president of the CIP Institute, a non-profit organization that brings together scientists and practitioners from various disciplines in an inspiring and innovative platform to exchange and develop knowledge about the Complex and Interactive Processes (CIP) in the field of crisis.

He is also a managing partner of PM Risk – Crisis - Change, an agency specialized in risk and crisis management. Since 2008 he has provided regular coaching and consultancy services in the field of risk and crisis. During the Brussels terror attacks (March 2016) he was an advisor on crisis communication to the Belgian Prime Minister.

Dr. Marynissen holds a Doctoral degree from Cranfield University – School of Management (UK), and a Masters degree in Change Management from HEC Business School (France). The focus of his current research is on team dynamics in crisis teams, safety leadership within so-called "High-Reliability Organizations", normal chaos, and the role of crisis communication during extreme events.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hugomarynissenEste enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva

Twitter: @hmarynissen

Bio Mr. Stijn Pieters

Foto Stijn Pieters

Stijn Pieters is a crisis strategist who specialises in risk and crisis management for companies and governments. He is co-founder and managing partner of PM Risk•Crisis•Change, an agency specialised in crisis management and communication.

He has a background in strategic management, digital communication, strategic communication, public relations, social media strategies, crisis communication, crisis management and disaster management. He holds a Postgraduate in disaster management, Campus Vesta (University of Antwerp). In his dissertation he covered the pre-crisis conditions for effective learning during crisis communication simulations in organisations.

Stijn is co-founder of the CIP Institute, a collaboration platform that advocates research and development in the field of risk and crisis management. He is an active member of the Federal Belgian Crisis Communications Response Team. Stijn is also an author and frequent lecturer in risk & crisis management and crisis communication.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stijnpieters/Este enlace se abrirá en una ventana nueva

Twitter: @StijnPieters